Responsible sourcing

We partner with our suppliers to ensure our values are upheld and social and environmental standards are adhered to so we can collectively drive positive change across the industry.
In 2021 we adopted a new Human Rights and Anti-Slavery Policy. We have worked to define our responsible sourcing policy, clarifying our expectations and embracing circular economy principles on carbon impact, the use of recycled material, waste and localised sourcing.

Our top suppliers are now asked to provide their own sustainability roadmaps, and we will begin to track and measure their progress to help create a sustainable future for our industry.
Responsible sourcing also includes ensuring that our purchasing practices do not contribute to armed conflict or human rights abuses, irrespective of the length or complexity of the supply chain. We cooperate with our customers to meet their conflict mineral reporting obligations and we are continuing to enhance our supply chain due diligence processes to accurately authenticate material origins.
Key Facts

- GKN Automotive will never knowingly source minerals - in particular, Cassiterite (Tin), Coltan (Tantalum), Wolframite (Tungsten) and Gold, or derivatives of these minerals - where doing so may finance armed conflict or human rights abuses.
- As a partner of the SCREAM (Secure Critical Rare Earth Magnets for UK) project - which aims to reduce the cost of rare-earth magnet recycling and slash magnet production - we are embracing circular economy principles by collaborating to develop a circular supply chain for recycled rare-earth magnets.
- Our Supplier Code of Conduct sets out what we expect from our suppliers to ensure that they operate their business in a way that supports our commitment to sustainability and high standards of business conduct. We require that all our suppliers comply with this Code.